Monday, November 13, 2006
Another "Mini" Project under my belt!
Hip Hop Evangelism

1-3 year olds

Jewish History
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Candidates from El Salvador

This is Ricardo and Monica Hernandez from El Salvador. They stayed with us from Tuesday night until Thursday noon for a brief "candidacy". It is really amazing how God worked this all out...
A few months ago I got an email from the recruitment man at MAF telling me about a pilot in the El Salvadorian Air Force (Ricardo) who just got back from a 6 month assignment in Iraq and is interested in missions. I emailed Ricardo, introduced Asas to him, and asked if he was interested in serving with us in Brazil. He was immediately interested and we started all the paperwork process. Ricardo is at a critical point in his military career and will be starting a 2 year course in January that will allow him to be promoted and such. He is also #3 in the El Salvadorian Cuscatlán (like the Blue Angels)! All the pilots here were oooing and aaahing! (And his brother is the commander of the Cuscatlán) It is at this point in their lives that they feel God calling them to full-time missionary service. Just from this little bit of information (and there is much more), you can see just what a servant's heart Ricardo and Monica have to even consider a life change right now. Anyway, Ricardo sends me an email about 2 weeks ago saying that Monica would be in Rio de Janeiro on business (she is an industrial engineer and the Secretary General for the Archery division of the Pan American Games) for 10 days. Well, how could we let her be in Brazil and not meet her! So I asked him if there was any chance of him coming for a few days too and both of them coming to Anápolis for us all to meet and do some evaluations. They had to juggle schedules and pull strings, but they managed to come! The time was short and we kept them busy, but I believe it was enough time for them to see what Asas is all about and for us to get to know them. He was able to get in one flight with Steve, but the second flight had to be cancelled due to weather. Now we wait to see how God leads! I am sure they would appreciate your prayers as they will be making the critical decision in the next few weeks about giving his notice to the Air Force.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Saying good-bye to the Carvers

Darrel and Lee Carver joined Asas de Socorro 6 years ago after retiring from CitiBank. They have traveled the whole world and have lived in more countries than I can remember. They have been working with our flight base in Manaus, flying the Caravan. Darrel was a Navy pilot before working in banking and never lost his love for planes and flying. They heard about Asas de Socorro when they lived in Brazil some years ago and the Lord lead him to set aside some money in a fund that he could some day use to buy an airplane for Asas. He was thinking a small airplane, but when the time came to withdrawal the money from the fund, God had blessed it to the point that he could buy a brand-new Caravan! The whole mission has been blessed with their generosity and their life-example. The are now heading back to Texas in order to take care of Darrel's aging parents who are needing their support now. It is hard to see such a wonderful couple leave, but we are so thankful for the time they gave to Asas. They will continue to support Asas as they will be representing the mission in the US. The pictures are from the farewell ceremony we had here on Wednesday when they were presented with this model of the Caravan...complete with paddles and a stand made of Brazil wood. How that is going to get in a suitcase and arrive in one piece is another issue......