Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Thad and Wendy Cooper
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Project at the dump in Brasilia, Sept.22, 2007
There was no room at the church to have a children's program, but we were able to use a daycare that was just a few blocks away. The actual building had just one room and was very hot in the afternoon, but the yard was huge and had two wonderful trees that gave us lots of shade. We had about 75 kids come to the children's program in the morning and 85 in the afternoon. We sang songs, had a magic show (with Biblical applications!), and then divided up into small groups to hear God's plan for humanity. We also used the bracelets with the colors of the wordless book in the small groups.
I was busy telling the story, so I didn't get a picture of the tool we use to teach children God's plan for humanity. It is a white erase board divided into 4 sections. Each section is partially completed and as you tell the story, you complete the section by drawing designs, people, etc. The first section is about heaven. The second is about creation and how sin entered the world. The third section is about Jesus paying the price for our sins. And the fourth section is about the Book of Life and our decision to have Jesus in our heart or outside of our heart. I'll get a picture of it and post it later. We used a slightly different approach for the older kids (9-12 yr olds) that uses paint and poster board instead of the markers and the white erase board.
Michael and Maira helping out
Do you see the two girls looking at Maira instead of looking towards the front? Maira was quite the attraction with her very white skin, blue eyes, and light colored hair. At one point there were several little girls around her touching her hair and skin. Maira had a look of panic on her face, but held still. I just smiled and told her they were admiring her!

Passtimes for the kids....
Project at the dump continued........
We set up a clinic inside the church with 3 dentists working at the same time, a pharmacy, and behind the curtains was a doctor and nurse. The mobile unit outside the church doors also had one more dentist and one more doctor. Even with all of these doctors working all day, there was not enough daylight hours to attend to all the people who needed medical attention.
Here is a group of guys listening to a lecture on the affect of drugs. Borges, the guy giving the talk, was a drug addict for many years. Actually, he and his wife were both addicts who lived on the streets in Rio. They have 4 children and the youngest has major brain damage, most likely due to their drug usage at the time.