This Saturday I went to a bridal shower of a gal from church, Fernanda. Her father is an elder in the church and her parents were in the first Bible study that we joined when we came to Brazil. This was the best bridal shower I have ever been to! Seriously!!! The theme was "caipira", which means something like a Brazilian redneck. We all had to dress acordingly, which was a bit difficult for me without having to have clothes made, so I just did the best I could...turning out somewhat more colonial. But hey, I don't do short skirts. Oh, and before you look at the pictures...remember this is Latin America and modesty in the church is still quite different from modesty in the US church. :)
Here is the bride and the colonial redneck...rsrsrsrsrs
And no, this is not the dress she will wear for her wedding!

Fernanda's mom is seated on the right and the little girls are her flower girls. We had a time of singing first. Then they brought out the was there a lot of food! All sorts of typical foods from this region.

Some ladies from church paid tribute to the bride with a song...too bad I forgot that my camera has a video feature at this point!

Here is the bonfire of all bonfires!

Two of her bridesmaids took lessons from a professional dancer (the guy in the middle!) so they could do this dance for Fernanda. Not quite country dancing...something like country meets samba!

Then the bride had to dance "forró" with the guy...boy was I glad they didn't do this to me at my bridal shower! I would have died of embarrassment! But Fernanda is a true extravert and she loved every minute...

And now the Brazilian redneck square dancing....looked like fun, but I decided to take pictures this time. I'll be ready to join in the next time such an opportunity arises! :)