(I have pictures but the blog isn't putting them in for some reason tonight...I'll try again tomorrow!)
My friend Cathrim was pregnant and due around Dec. 10. On Nov. 14th, I had planned a baby shower for her. However, things did not go as planned. I had all the games ready and two cakes baked for the shower that was to start at 5:30pm. I was on my way out the door to go to the office and decorate for the shower at 4:30pm when the phone rang. It was Cathrim and she was panicing. She had "water" running down her leg and she didn't know what to do. (It is at this point that I ask myself why she called me and not her DOCTOR!) I calmed her down and told her that her water had broken and that she needed to call her doctor. I went to the office and asked one of the other ladies to call everyone and cancel the shower and I gave Cathrim a call. She was calmer, but told me she had nothing ready for the hospital and that her hubby wasn't home. I went right to her house and started packing a bag for the baby while she called the doctor and got her suitcase ready. Her hubby arrived about 15 minutes later and was bouncy with excitement! It really was something to see! Anyway, we took her to the hospital and I hung out in the waiting area to see what the dr. decided. Well, turns out they wanted her to stay. Cathrim and Cesar asked me to stick around, but at about 10pm they moved her to a room where nobody can stay with her and they told her husband and I to go home for the night. I left my cell phone with her because at this point they have told her that no men are allowed in the laboring room. There are 4 beds in the room and the ladies who are in active labor are put there until the time to push comes and then they go to the birthing room where only hospital staff is allowed. Since these ladies are rolling around in agony and with hospital gowns on, I can understand the no men rule. I am just so very thankful my kids were born at a maternity clinic where Steve was able to stay with me through everything (like it or not!) So, at 7am I got a call from Cathrim asking me to come to the hospital to help her through the labor. What a priviledge!!!! The poor husband had to sit in the hall and I would poke my head out from time to time to give updates. I know she thought I was crazy a few times when I would get all excited that the pains were worse and longer, but she later told me that my excitement helped her believe that she really was near the end of the labor. Nicolas was born at 10:30am, totally healthy even though he was 4 weeks early! I had the honor of taking Nicolas to meet his daddy...it was just so special!