Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Crafts for the Ladies

Every afternoon the ladies had a time to learn new crafts. The first day they worked on making scarfs from wool. Since this region of Southern Brazil does get quite chilly in the months of June and July, this project will be very useful to them! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to learn how to do this craft! They used the tool in the second picture in making the scarfs...but I can't explain to you how it was done! The second day was spent finishing up the scarfs and starting in on what we call "fuxico". I don't know what it is called in the US. You cut pieces of fabric in a circle and then sew around the edge of it in order to pull the thread tight and the outside of the circle then closes up and makes a flower-looking thing. Okay, that discription is awful. Sorry! You can then use these little fabric flowers to decorate shirts, purses, and 101 other decorations ideas such as making the "fuxico" around a bottle cap and then make hot pads to put on the table. The last afternoon of the Project, Môncia and I went to where they were having the clinic (45 minutes by truck) and we did "fuxico" with the ladies as they were waiting their turn to see the dentist. It is a great way to get conversation going among the ladies!

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