Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Project at the dump continued........

We had a group from Asas teaching a craft and also giving "facials" to the ladies from the neighborhood. The facial used ingredients that are inexpensive and easy to come by....something like flour and fresh orange juice. I'll have to check that out for sure and try it out myself!

We set up a clinic inside the church with 3 dentists working at the same time, a pharmacy, and behind the curtains was a doctor and nurse. The mobile unit outside the church doors also had one more dentist and one more doctor. Even with all of these doctors working all day, there was not enough daylight hours to attend to all the people who needed medical attention.

Here is a group of guys listening to a lecture on the affect of drugs. Borges, the guy giving the talk, was a drug addict for many years. Actually, he and his wife were both addicts who lived on the streets in Rio. They have 4 children and the youngest has major brain damage, most likely due to their drug usage at the time.

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