Sunday, February 03, 2008

One more time...

Steve left the house at 6:30am today to catch a 9:15 flight out of Brasilia. Unfortunately, the flight out of Brasilia left very late and that caused him to miss his connecting flight to Miami at 1pm. So he has been waiting in São Paulo all day for the midnight flight. They did put him up in a hotel, so that was good. He should be boarding about now...

The plan is for them to take off for the island of Provedenciales before lunch tomorrow. He lands in Miami at 6am, then he will catch the train to Fort Lauderdale and meet up with the two Wycliffe pilots. This trip will go slower since the guys are wanting to make the most out of being in the Caribbean. Steve has yet to get his feet wet in the Caribbean, but that should change on this trip. Not that they will be spending days on each island, but they plan to have time at the end of each afternoon to find the closest beach!

On the home front, I am trying to make an important decision this week. Michael is not wanting to move up to the 8-9 year old class at church because he doesn't write in cursive yet and because he doesn't feel secure about reading in Portuguese. I've been kicking the idea around in my head about sending him to a Brazilian school in the afternoons since their school days are only half days anyway. Then maybe he would get the practice he needs in reading Portuguese and also get over his fears of being different. From what I've been told, Brazilian schools do not teach printing. They start right off with cursive. I don't know how true that is or how wide-spred that is, but it is true that all the kids his age are writing in cursive. I went with the highly recommended "Handwriting Without Tears" series in which cursive is started in the 3rd grade. I ordered the cursive book already and we have almost finished all the 2nd grade handwriting material. We will start writing in cursive next week, so that problem is easier to solve. Michael is just very shy and nervous about new situations. And here he is a missionary kid. I want to help him, but I don't know the best way to do that. We will visit two schools this week and I am praying that God will show me what to do. I will continue home schooling with him in the mornings, so sending him to another school in the afternoons will be a heavy schedule. This will only be until the end of June since we will be going on furlough in August. I'm open to any advise, opinions, counsel, etc.

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