Monday, April 07, 2008

I wonderful week ahead

I hope you remember little Larissa that spent 3 weeks in the ICU last year when she was just days old. Well, guess who is here with us this week??? Márcio, Keila, Mathias, and Larissa are here this week. Asas has their annual business meetings on Friday and Saturday and they were able to come down early and spend some time with us. Well, at least Keila, kids and I are spending time together! The guys seem to have work to do in Asas....imgaine that! :) As you will see in the pictures below, Larissa is a beautiful and perfectly healthy little girl! Out of the many newborns that were in the ICU with Larissa, there is only one other baby who has had no serious side effects. Another baby that was in the exact same condition as Larissa is now blind and can't sit up. God really worked a miracle in this little girl! She is not only perfectly healthy, she is extremely alert, smart, charming, etc. She is just a doll and she is already taking her first steps. She is 10 months old today! Mathias is equally adorable and is having a great time playing with Michael and Maira. He cried when Michael left in the car with Steve yesterday...he wanted Michael to stay with him because he loves his friend Michael. So cute! Mathias turned 3 in January...he and Michael share the same birthday. Now for some pictures!

What a cute profile!!! She is a little peanut...small for her age, but full of smiles, energy, and she sings all the time!

Maira and Mathias playing with Raisin

Remember when I said that Mathias is 3? Yeah, and Maira is 5....see the huge difference in their sizes??? :) Larissa is little and Mathias is BIG

I love this one!!!

Auntie Keila playing tic-tac-toe with my kiddos...

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