Friday, April 06, 2007

Gone Country

Our closest friends here in Anápolis are a couple named Viviane and Eneas. Well, a few weeks ago, Eneas bought this beautiful horse that he happened across. Her name is Luna (named by Eneas' daughter) and she is the best horse I have ever met. You may notice a little bulge around the middle...she will be having a colt before too long! Anyway, Eneas knows how much I enjoy horses, so he invited us to go with them to ride on Luna a bit on a Saturday morning. Luna is such a calm horse...Maira's squeals for joy didn't even make her ears twitch! Not to mention her standing perfectly still and quite as Michael made her lips flap shut! We all had a great time and now Eneas and I are talking about using Luna for therapeutic horseback riding. It is a dream of mine to work at or create a place for therapeutic horseback riding, so we are just researching options and praying about it. There are lots of obstacles, but sometimes you just need to take a few steps to see if God opens the doors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The smile on Maira's face says it all!! She is having a blast and will be wanting to ride every day.
Love, Mom