Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Game Station

This was Eliane's first time to participate in a Project (lady on far right). She was excited about her game station and very worried about sharing the story of the wordless book with a small group of children. She tried to get out of it, but I wouldn't let her escape! When the kids had gone through all the stations, she sat down with her small group to tell them about Jesus. She walked away all smiles and full of courage to tell any kid about Jesus that would sit still long enough! The pastor of the church said he wanted a bracelet and someone to tell him the story...so Eliane grabbed a bracelet and told him the story of the wordless book! There's no holding her back now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your bravery in sharing the story of Jesus. God will continue to use you as you have proven to be a willing servant in His kingdom. Love, Linda