Friday, September 01, 2006

"Projeto Ide" (Go Ye Project) July 20-30

We got home from camping on the afternoon of the 19th. Steve and I got on the bus for "Projeto Ide" at 7pm on the 20th! I had a hard time leaving the kids, but they were just fine. As I was crying, Maira hugged me and said, "Don't cry mamma!"

It took 27 hours on the bus to arrive in Teixeira de Freitas in the state of Bahia in northeast Brazil. This was the base where 2 teams stayed and 4 teams went to neighboring communities. Our bus was just one of 6 that came from various cities in southern Brazil...340 people in all! This is a picture of one of the first meetings of everyone involved in the evangelism project. Projeto Ide targets a different region each year. The primary goal of the project is to evangelize and to train the local churches to do outreach. Other goals include providing medical and dental care in remote regions and awakening young people to the call of missions. Asas coordinates the whole project and I was very impressed with those in the leadership. Everyone has a specific task. From the cooks to the team leaders, everyone took their tasks seriously and worked hard for the ultimate purpose of reaching people for Jesus.

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