Monday, September 11, 2006


Another successful solo flight...Ruben is a non-missionary student who soloed last Saturday. Since he soloed on a Saturday when the other students were not around, he got his "bath" today when he came back from his second solo flight.


Anonymous said...

Oi Kris e Steve
Gostei muito do Blog de vocês. Parabéns.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait until I start flight lessons and I get to solo...I bet that I'll be really nervous, though!

Anonymous said...

I did not know where to leave a message, but I think this Blog idea is great, Steve. I'll be coming back here often to check in and read all this stuff you have on here.

God bless and keep you both!
Steve, Leslie, Aubin, and Abby
Roanoke, VA. USA